Digital Asset Manager (DAM)The web-based back end of BAM!  The DAM is used for managing the asset library & folder structure, creating & publishing assets to endpoints like the Mobile Sales Tool (MST) as well as managing users, groups and permissions.
Mobile Sales Tool (MST)The BAM! mobile application & one of BAM!'s default endpoints, used to display and interact with assets published by the DAM.  The MST provides easy, up-to-date access to images, documents, spec sheets, and more.  Assets created in the Builders are optimized for display in the MST. 
EndpointA repository for assets.  Default endpoints include the DAM Asset Library and Mobile Sales Tool. 
AssetA piece of content within BAM! that can be published from the DAM to an endpoint, and then easily accessed by the users of that endpoint with the appropriate permissions & privileges. Complex builder assets can be comprised of several other associated assets & references, whereas simpler assets are made up of individual images & videos, or even text and pdf files.

A content-creation tool that is accessible from the DAM.  Builders provide the ability to create complex, interactive assets, like Products, Navigators, News, and more. Not all builders are available on a standard license, contact your Account Manager for more information about builders and licensing.


A specific type of complex asset that may be created in the DAM, using the News Builder.  News assets are roughly patterned after RSS feed items and contain a headline, lead image, text content and links to related info and resources.  News assets can be published to a news feed.

News FeedA location or folder on an endpoint, designed to display an updated list of news assets, most recent first.
FeatureA specific type of complex asset that may be created in the DAM, using the Feature Builder. A Feature asset combines a single image asset with a text description and related assets. Feature assets may only be used within a Product or Navigator asset. 
ProductA specific type of complex asset that may be created in the DAM, using the Product Builder. A Product asset combines a series of image assets with Feature assets to produce a comprehensive and interactive product walkaround.
ComparisonA specific type of complex asset that may be created in the DAM, using the Comparison Builder. A Comparison asset allows users to compare the specifications of multiple objects.
Comparison Data A tab-delineated file containing the data that is displayed within the associated Comparison asset. A template file is available within the Comparison Builder as well as in the support documentation.
NavigatorA specific type of complex asset that may be created in the DAM, using the Navigator Builder. A Navigator asset provides an intuitive way to combine Feature and Product assets for easy access.
PublishThe act of deploying an asset from the DAM Library to another Endpoint.  A published asset must be approved before it is visible to endpoint users.
RolesSystem defined entities that grant a predetermined set of permissions that can be assigned to individual users or groups.
PrivilegesActions available to the system groups within the DAM.  For example, adding a folder, editing an asset, and approving an asset for publishing to an endpoint are all privileges accorded to users, depending on what particular system groups they belong to.
PermissionsPermissions allow for applying fine control of the privileges allowed to particular groups and users to an individual (or a group of) folders
GroupsSystem & user-defined sets of users. System groups generally control the specific privileges available across BAM! whereas user-generated groups are typically (but not always) used to control folder permissions and organize users.
TranscodingThe process of changing an asset's file type.  For example, BAM! will transcode video files in .mov format (which aren't supported everywhere) to the widely-supported .mp4 format.  This provides consistent user experience, regardless of platform or device vendor.
Web EndpointAn endpoint that houses assets intended for public web access. Assets published to a Web Endpoint will generate an embeddable URL that can be used in websites outside of the BAM! platform.