In BAM!, Groups are sets of users who share common roles and permissions, both in the DAM and the MST. Some examples of groups might be:
Marketing— members of the Marketing department, who would be working regularly with the assets stored and managed in the DAM
Southern Sales Region — sales and support team members who are authorized to access content specifically intended for use in their market
News Editors — team members who create and publish stories to the News feed
Default Groups
BAM! comes with a default set of groups, which cover the most common uses in a small or medium-sized company. These groups may be used for your company, left empty, or you may use any combination of default and custom groups. The default groups are:
SYS.Admins — users in this group have administrative access over Permissions (invites, users, groups) but have no access to content through this access. It is strongly advised to limit membership in this group to the absolute minimum number of trusted users.
SYS.all_users — by default, new users are added to this group. However, no permissions are assigned to this group.
SYS.approvers — users in this group have the ability to approve publishing requests in any folder in the DAM.
SYS.contentadmins — users in this group have full administrative control over content in the DAM, but not user, group, or role administration.
SYS.creators — this group has the ability to create (or upload) new content to any folder in the DAM.
SYS.editors — members of this group have the ability to modify content in the DAM
SYS.publishers — users in this group have the ability to publish content to an endpoint. Publishing requests must still be approved.
SYS.traversers — this group has the ability to navigate through the folders in the DAM, but have no ability to view or edit content.
SYS.viewers — members of this group have read-only access to all folders in the DAM
- SYS.mobileusers - members of this group have no permissions in the DAM asset Library, but may log in to the Mobile Sales Tool or view published folders is they log in to the DAM.
These default groups are granted permissions throughout your BAM! instance, including all folders, builders, and endpoints. For many of our customers, no further group or permission management is required, and users may be assigned to groups based on their role in the company.
Custom Groups
For larger organizations, or for teams with a more complex organizational structure, it may be best to create custom groups. These groups are unique to your instance of BAM!, and may be applied to the DAM, the MST, or a combination of both. Custom groups offer greater flexibility in terms of access management, publishing workflows, and control over content distribution. Here are some common uses for custom groups:
Territory-specific content — A company may operate in several different countries, each with its own combination of language, product offerings, organizational structure, and pricing. By creating groups for the sales teams in each country, the company can ensure that only relevant content is accessible for their sales teams.
Branding — A large company may offer products under several different brands, with sales and marketing teams assigned to each of them. In this case, it would be useful to create functional groups within each brand, granting access for creating and publishing content only to those teams. Corporate management could retain oversight of all brands, while preventing one team from accessing the other team’s assets.
- Dealer Network — A large manufacturer may not have their own sales team, instead working with a network of affiliated dealers. Each dealer may sell a different selection of the manufacturer’s products, or may have different terms for their contracts. By creating a group for each dealer, access may be controlled on a very detailed level, allowing each dealer’s sales staff to access only the products they are authorized to sell.