After logging in to the DAM for the first time, one of your first administrative tasks will likely involve adding new users.  Users can be added to BAM!, either directly by a user with admin privileges or by invitation, from within the DAM's Permission Settings:

Create an Invitation

Sending an invitation code to prospective new users ensures that they go through the registration process, allowing administrators to assign permissions, roles, and groups prior to the user logging in for the first time.  

First, make sure Invitations is selected in the left navigation bar, then click the Add button at the bottom of the invitation list:

A pop-up window will prompt for the required information:

  • Invitation Name: this is a friendly name for the invitation.  Use a descriptive name, like “Admin Accounts,” “East Region Sales Team,” or “Fall Distributor Rollout”

  • Group: Choose which groups the invited users will belong to, from the drop-down list. See the “Set Up Groups” section of the User Guide for more information.

  • Available Registrations: The number of uses for the associated Invitation Code.  The minimum is 1, which is suitable for adding a single user.  A higher number (up to 100 per invitation code) may be used if multiple users are being enrolled at the same time.

  • Invitation Code: This is a randomly-generated code for use when a user registers for a new BAM! account.  These codes are not changeable, since the invitation system needs to ensure they are unique.  For custom invitation codes, please contact your Pop Art account manager for information.

Once created, an invitation code may be emailed to a new user, provided in printed form, or given verbally.  The code is required for new users to register for an account.

Editing an Invitation Code

Existing invitation codes are listed within the Invitations section of the Permissions Settings. From the list view you can determine if an invitation code is currently Valid, the amount of Uses for a particular code / the total number of Uses available, the Date the code was created, and the Groups to which that invitation code will grant membership:

Clicking on the

Edit icon next to a particular invitation code will open the Edit Invitation dialog box:

From which you can determine whether an invitation code is currently valid and display all of the users who are associated with the selected invitation code:

Clicking the

Delete icon next to an invitation code will prompt for confirmation before deleting the code from your system entirely:

Sharing an Invitation Code

Invitation codes may be shared via email, text message, written material, and other text-based methods.  The easiest way to share an invitation code is to copy the URL provided in the DAM after the code has been created.  To access the URL, click the blue computer icon next to the invitation code.  A pop-up window will display the URL:

Click the blue "Copy" icon to copy the URL to your clipboard.  From there, you may paste it into a message to the invited users.


Once an invitation code has been sent, the new user should click the URL to navigate to your BAM! instance’s URL, where they will be prompted to complete the signup process:

NOTE: Passwords must be 8 or more characters in length.

Once the form is complete, click the blue button to create an account, if the information and invitation code are valid, you will receive a confirmation:

You will then receive an email confirmation with a verification link to complete registration:

Click the Verify Email link to finish the registration process.  Once you receive the confirmation page, your account is enabled and ready for login.

Adding A New User Directly

Admins can add new users to BAM! directly by clicking on the Add User button at the bottom of the Users Permissions Settings page:

In the resultant dialog box enter the new user's Email Address, Full Name, Temporary Password, and an existing Invitation Code (which will determine that user's privileges, role, and groups). Checking Automatically Verify User and pressing the Save button will add the user to BAM! and they will be able to log in to DAM or the Mobile Sales Tool using their Email Address & Temporary Password without going through the registration process.