Assets within BAM! can be shared by generating a secure link on the BAM Viewer website. Once shared, that asset will be viewable by anyone who has the link, and that link will remain active for a number of days determined at the administrator level. If the asset sharing settings specify a differing minimum and maximum sharing period then you can specify how many days the link to the asset will be active when the asset is shared.
To share an asset from within your library, click on the link icon labeled Share Asset in the bottom of the asset info pane:
If the sharing settings determined by an admin allow for a minimum and maximum share time, you will be asked to submit the duration you wish the link to remain active:
A secure link has been generated and clicking on the Copy icon will copy the link to your clipboard:
(Note that this is a similar link to what a user will see when sharing from the MST)
Clicking on the link takes the user to a site where shared assets are accessible:
Here a user can see when their shared asset expires and as long as it's still available, they can download the asset