While BAM! supports managing and publishing almost any file type, differences in the operating system or browser compatibility may cause inconsistencies in viewing some assets. For example, a video file in .mov format is usually viewable on Apple devices but can't be seen in some browsers on Windows or in some versions of Android. Sometimes, special viewer plugins or apps are needed. This can create a frustrating experience for end-users.
In order to provide a consistent experience, BAM! will convert some assets from one file type to another - this is called Transcoding. In the case of video files, We automatically convert many source videos to H.264 .mp4 format. This is an open standard for video file compression and provides the greatest degree of compatibility across platforms. The resulting transcoded file is stored alongside the original and is the default format for video assets published to endpoints like the MST.
How It Works
When a video file is uploaded into the DAM, it is treated just like any other asset:
Once it has been saved, the video appears in the library:
A look at the Asset Details pane will show that the video file is currently being transcoded:
Depending on the size of the video file, this process can take several minutes. During this time, the original file is still available. Refresh the browser window periodically to check status, or move on to other tasks. Transcoding takes place in the background and will complete on its own.
Accessing the Transcoded Video
Once transcoding is complete, the Asset Details page will update to show the transcoded video and provide the ability to switch back and forth to the original:
Clicking on the link labeled Hide will hide the transcoded version of the video from the viewer and only display the original version of the video to your users (which may not display correctly on all devices). Once the transcoded version of the video has been hidden, clicking the link labeled Show will reset the asset back to the transcoded version.
Both the transcoded and original video files may be downloaded using the download button on the Asset Details screen. After the download button is clicked, a dialog box is presented to allow the user to select which version of the file to download:
While both versions of the video file may be published to endpoints, it is always a best practice to publish the transcoded version. This ensures all MST and web viewers will be able to view the video.