BAM! was designed for sending content published & approved by administrators through the DAM to users at an endpoint like the Mobile Sales Tool, but there may be cases where your organization needs content to flow in the other direction, from the MST users to the administrators using the DAM.
NOTE: In order to upload content, Mobile Sales Tool users must be a member of the System: UGC Creators group AND the option to upload User Generated Content must be enabled from within the DAM’s Settings page. Please see the User Generated Content documentation for those instructions.
Approved MST users can upload images and videos to the DAM by selecting Upload from the MST home menu. :
NOTE: The labels for the MST’s menu items are configurable by users with administrator level permissions, and you may not see an Upload option if an admin has customized your organization’s menus.
The first time you use the Mobile Sales Tool’s Upload functionality you will likely have to give the MST app permission to access your device’s camera roll. Click on the Let’s Get Started button, and follow the directions from your device:
Once you’ve given the MST permissions to access your camera roll press the Upload A File button to begin the upload process.
Selecting a file to upload from your camera roll will allow you to give the uploaded file a Title & Description, as well as apply any custom Tags. Pressing the UPLOAD button will send the file to the DAM and the size of the selected file is displayed for your information:
A message will display to let you know that your file was sent to the DAM successfully, and the history of files you have uploaded is displayed for reference:
NOTE: The Upload History will display the history of all the files you have uploaded to BAM!, regardless of whether they have been approved for access or not. In order for uploaded files to be accessed within BAM! a Content Admin will first have to approve those assets from within the DAM. Please see the User Generated Content documentation for those instructions.