BAM! was designed for sending content published & approved by administrators through the DAM to users at an endpoint like the Mobile Sales Tool, but there may be cases where your organization wants content to flow in the other direction, from the MST users to the administrators using the DAM.

Instructions for uploading content from the Mobile Sales Tool can be found in the documentation dedicated to the MST.

Enabling User Generated Content

User Generated Content must be enabled from within the DAM before users can upload content from the Mobile Sales Tool. Administrators can edit the User Generated Content options from within the MST Settings:

Checking the Enabled checkbox will turn on the UGC functionality within MST for users who are members of the System:UGC Creators group. The maximum allowed upload size can also be modified from its default value of 1GB, if you want to limit the size of files that MST users can upload to BAM!:

The Metadata section allows an administrator to determine a default Title & Description for uploads as well as the Description and Tags that will be applied to User Generated Content. Checking the Required box next to any of the options will make it required that a user enter a value into that particular field before content can be uploaded:

NOTE: By default, the UGC tag is applied to all User Generated Content as an identifier for uploaded assets.

The Email Summary Notification section allows you to select when a summary of the User Generated Content waiting for review will be sent to. Selecting any number of days of the week will result in the summary being sent to Content Admins on that morning. The email is only generated if there are unapproved assets, and contains a link to the UGC folder in the DAM. Not selecting any days will result in no email summary being sent:

NOTE: Make sure to press the Save button at the bottom of the page before navigating away from the MST Settings or you will lose any changes you’ve made.

Adding Individual Users to the UGC Creators Group

Once User Generated Content has been enabled from within the MST Settings, users must be added to the System: UGC Creators group before they will able to access the Upload functionality from within the MST.

Adding an individual user to the System: UGC Creators group can be accomplished by an Admin accessing the DAM’s Permissions Settings and selecting Users:

A list of your BAM! Users is displayed, including what Groups they currently belong to, and you can modify the details by pressing the Edit icon next to that particular user:

Find System:UGC Creators in the list of Available Groups. Click on the checkbox next to the UGC group and then click on the arrow to move it into the list of Selected Groups. Remember to press the button to Save any changes you’ve made:

Adding Multiple Users to the UGC Creators Group

Admins can add Multiple users into the System:UGC Creators group at the same time by accessing the DAM’s Permissions Settings and clicking on Groups:

A list of BAM!'s Groups will be displayed, including the members of each group. Locate the System:UGC Creators group and click on the Edit icon to display the group’s details & begin adding members:

Click on the checkbox next to any users you wish to move, and then click on the arrow to move those users into the list of Members. Remember to press the button to Save any changes you’ve made:

Approving User Generated Content

Once a Mobile Sales Tool user has uploaded content, those assets still need to be approved by a Content Admin and moved into the library before it can be accessed by other BAM! users. Once that content is moved into the library it can be manipulated like any other asset.

Assets that have been uploaded by MST users can be found in the User Generated Content folder within the Assets Library. The number of assets waiting for approval is indicated beside the folder name, and clicking on the folder will reveal cards for each of those assets, which can be sorted according to a number of different factors:

Clicking the check-box in the upper left of an asset card (or clicking the Select All icon in the top-right of the page) will allow you to select multiple assets, which can be deleted or moved to the library in bulk:

Selecting Move to Library will prompt you for a location in the DAM’s Library to move the assets into. :

Aside from moving assets in bulk from the folder view, you can also move individual UGC assets into the Library from within the Asset Details displayed after clicking on an individual asset card:

Once assets have been moved into the DAM’s asset Library they can be edited, moved and published into the Mobile Sales Tool’s library like any other asset.